Sam Report     Info on the end of the C= buyout and Alex Amor's thoughts.

  e586 Module    A complete review of the Emplant e586 PC emulator module.

  CD32 List      A list of games already out for the CD32, and of games on
                 the way.
  PageStream 3    A complete review of Page Stream 3.0g.         
  Emplant         Part 2 of Amiga Link's Emplant Series.  This month:  How
                 to get and install the ROMs and software.
  CD32 Thoughts   Is the CD32 essential to the future of the Amiga?         
  Jim Drew        A brief history of Jim Drew of Utilities Unlimited, and of
                  his failures, successes, and his reputation with the
                  Amiga community.

  Don't Give Up   Why you should stay with your Amiga.
  Reunion         A review of the new Space colonization and warfare game
                  named Reunion.
  Laptop          The Editor in Chief dreams of laptops.
  Pinball         A review of the game Pinball Illusions, which finally has
                  multi ball support!  But will that be enough to save the
                  game from its faults?  Read on...
  C= Story        Part 2/3 of Some Bits of Treasure.
  CBM Review      A hilarious review of the C= buyout; Amiga Link's comic
                  relief for this issue!
  C Clinic 2       Part 2 of Amiga Link's ongoing Coder's Clinic.

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